Nia Lemond
Starfleet Intelligence
Registered: Aug 11, 2019 20:06:27 GMT
Posts: 252
Post by Nia Lemond on Nov 4, 2024 22:35:08 GMT
Beta Docking Arm USS Raven-C Berth Aft Umbilicus Walkway :: Nia approached the two Security Personnel posted at the walkway, admittedly surprised when, rather than as per protocol, step out of the way, the two moved together, effectively blocking her path ..... "Ensign?" "Millbank, Ma'am," "I would like to board the Raven..." Lemond said patiently, already aware of the ship's raised shields 'and' the sealed airlocks. For a moment Millbank just stood motionless, "... Ensign?" "Apologies, Admiral, but I am under strict orders not to allow access to the ship at this time," Millbank replied, wondering if the Admiral was aware of the ship's raised shields. "I assume this instruction comes from Admiral Torek?" Lemond asked patiently. "Yes, Ma'am," Millbank said, beginning to sweat. Nia sympathised with the man, after all, he was following orders. Unfortunately, she didn't have time to play a game of oneupmanship, she took a step back and tapped her commbadge: "Admiral Lemond to Raven""Raven .. Bridge .. Commander Wedlerson .. ..""Commander .. You are well?"".. .. Yes .. .. Thank you .. Admiral" Wedlerson said after a confused pause. "Good to hear .. I would like you to instruct the Security Officer at the Aft Umbilicus to step aside and allow me to board""I can't do that Ma'am" Harry replied, acutely aware that everyone on the Bridge had stopped what they were doing and were listening intently to the conversation. "Commander .. I trust you are aware that I outrank you significantly?""Yes .. Ma'am .. I do""Then I am giving you a direct order .. Instruct Ensign Millbank to step aside and then you will open the airlock .. Now .. .." There was another long pause and Nia was beginning to think he hadn't heard her when Wedlerson replied: "Apologies Admiral .. But I cannot comply""Then you will consider yourself relieved pending charges .. Who is the next ranking Officer on the Bridge?"On the Raven, Harry looked around, with the Senior Staff in the Brig with orders not to be disturbed, Lieutenant Gerelo, the ship's Deputy Chief Tactical Security Officer - Already beginning to look pale - Was the next ranked Officer... Harry informed Lemond: "Lieutenant Gerelo .. Please carry out my previous instructions" Nia said, wondering if they would comply or risk their careers in Starfleet. "Sorry .. Admiral""Lieutenant .. In thirty seconds I am going to instruct Starfleet Engineers to burn through the hull .. So unless you want to have to explain the resulting hole .. I expect you to comply with my order .. Lower the shields and open the airlock!"For almost two minutes, it seemed she might actually have to carry out her threat, but then Millbank's communicator chirped to life. He spoke quietly and then stepped aside. Thanking the Ensign she and the four Security Personnel accompanying her traversed the walkway, pausing as the inner airlock slid aside. "Where is Admiral Torek?" she asked. "I believe he and the Senior Officers are in the Main Brig, Ma'am," Gerelo replied out of breath. "..... And 'PLEASE' stop addressing me as Ma'am... Do 'I LOOK' like someone's grandmother?" Nia asked as she passed the stunned Security Deputy ..... Deck Eight Main Brig :: "You need to answer my questions before there isn't enough oxygen in the cell to allow you to," Carl was urging, seeing both Nausicaans, despite the lack of breathable air, still defiantly glaring at their captors. "Carl...?" Andae said quietly, turning away so the prisoners couldn't see the conversation, but before he could continue, the doors slid aside! Nia entered with her armed Security Personnel. She took in the scene quickly before walking over to the Brigs central console: "Restore the atmosphere in the cell to nominal Commander," she ordered. Lysia, with a look at Torek, drew her phaser, but remained motionless, Nia shrugged and then nodded to one of the armed Security Officers. He moved quickly, ignoring her weapon as he barged T'Seng aside before restoring the atmosphere to the Nausicaans' cell while Lemond walked up to Torek: "What the hell are you doing?... You realise this could end your career?" she asked, sparing a second to glare at Calli Valente. "As I said before, Admiral... I'm trying to get the answers neither you nor Gheskori are willing to supply!" Carl replied evenly. "Until the Section Admiral can attend, you are to consider yourself relieved of Command and confined to your quarters," Nia said. Carl looked at her and then at the others, obviously coming to a decision. "I'll comply, with your word that my Officers are to be allowed to continue their duties, they are not responsible for my actions, and will face no charges or repercussions, is that fully understood?" "Understood....." Nia said. One of her Security Personnel moved in his direction but stopped as Torek looked at him. Lemond waved the man back, then addressed one of her team, "... Arrange for the prisoners to be transported off the Raven," "Yes Admiral," she replied, moving to one side before tapping her commbadge. Carl looked at Andae, Calli, and then Lysia. "I'm assuming that the Section Admiral is aware of your boarding the Raven?" Carl asked. "Of course," "Well, maybe he'll make an appearance at some point..." Carl said, the comment oozing sarcasm before he turned to Andae, Calli and Lysia, "... Get back to work, no one is going to hold you responsible for my actions, or there will be repercussions," he said with a glance at Lemond before leaving the Brig ..........
Carl Torek
Command Staff ..
Site Executive Officer Ranks Officer
Fleet Admiral
Registered: Jun 17, 2006 22:34:35 GMT
Posts: 6,214
Post by Carl Torek on Nov 9, 2024 16:12:26 GMT
USS Raven-C ::
Carl took a moment before finally stepping out of the Brig, the two Starbase Security Officers assigned to accompany him to his detention were two paces behind him .....
Entering the turbolift, Carl requested 'Deck Three' and stood back.
"Gentlemen... There's no need for those," he said to the two Officers, both looking down at their phasers almost apologetically.
"Sorry Admiral ..... Orders," one finally replied.
He nodded, understanding their apparent discomfort, he doubted either man had been given such a task during their time with Starfleet. The turbolift stopped, the doors sliding silently aside. The Security detail parted allowing him to egress first.
As they walked along the corridor they saw several of the crew, all trying not to look at their detained Commanding Officer as they passed ..... At his quarters one of the detail entered, the second asking him to wait. A moment later the first exited, he was holding Carl's personal weapon and confirmed that he had restricted access to both the computer and replicator.
"Admiral," the first said, motioning with his phaser. Crossing over the threshold, he turned to see the two Security Officers position themselves on either side of the door as it closed. The only saving grace, if indeed there was one, he thought, was the fact that Elise, Vanessa, and Bethan, were all currently staying in their suite aboard the Starbase and as such under no restrictions.
Sighing, he sat down, contemplating what might happen next. Thankfully no one apart from himself had been relieved of duty, so Andae Blakus was now in Command of the Raven and he hoped, cooperating with Admiral Lemond.
Nia had been correct in one sense, he might well have ended his career, but that wasn't something he was going to dwell on, at least while the issue that began all this still existed. He still wanted answers, whether those would be forthcoming, he couldn't know, but one thing was certain, his Senior Officers could no longer be ignored, or brushed off with any 'need to know' excuses from those above, they, like him, would want answers!
Rising, he walked to the small office off the living area and woke the terminal, hardly surprised when his request to contact his family was denied. Standing, he approached the door, both Security turning as it slid aside:
"I would like to contact my Family. They are currently on the Starbase,"
"I'm sorry Admiral, but we were instructed to disable your terminal..." The Lieutenant explained, glancing at his associate before continuing, "... I'm sure Admiral Lemond has informed them, Sir,"
"I want access to my terminal, now, Lieutenant!" Carl replied, his temper rising, but when neither Officer moved to comply, he was left with no option but to retreat into his quarters, his demand ignored.
He wondered how long it would be before someone came calling, and what they would have to say ..........
Command Staff ..
Commanding Officer Personnel Officer Trivia Officer
Section Admiral
USS Enzio
Registered: May 2, 2008 23:32:36 GMT
Posts: 1,548
Post by Gheskori on Nov 17, 2024 20:11:49 GMT
Brig, USS Raven
Carl turned to Andae, Calli and Lysia, "... Get back to work, no one is going to hold you responsible for my actions, or there will be repercussions," he said with a glance at Lemond before leaving the Brig
Andae looked on as Lemond didn't take this too well, "Is that a threat, Carl!" she barked to the closing door, Torek and the two guards already gone. But as she turned from the door, the Intel Director's expression evinced sadness and frustration, not anger, Andae noticed.
"Well, back to your duties, as your CO has told you, Commander," Lemond nodded diffidently. "I'll take one of the diplomatic suites aboard for the time being. Not to stay overnight, but just to be aboard with some space to work while I wait for the Section Admiral's arrival."
Andae perked up. SA Gheskori was going to come aboard then?
"Indeed," Lemond smiled weakly and began to leave, "Commander. Commander," she nodded to acknowledge Calli and Lysia as she went past them, but in the door she turned back and gave them a hard stare, as clearly to suggest they shouldn't try anything in the same manner Carl had.
Of course, Blakus thought, Lemond apparently wasn't to know that they'd all (or at least six of them) cooperated in this apparent misdemeanour...
Gheskori's office, Command Centre, Starbase 47
Gheskori was in his office eating biscuits. After some minutes, his aide-de-camp Noah Barton entered and presented two PADDs.
One PADD was about requisition of raw material in some of the more remote only six-months restored lower levels. The other was about the Raven, Torek's securing the ship with shields and blocked personnel access points, and the whole business with Section 31...
He consulted the second PADD, tapped it a couple times against the edge of his sable-surfaced desk, stood and looked at Barton, "I suppose I should pay them a visit, hmm?"
"Yes, Gheskori. Well, you are expected."
"Well, so it is." He nodded and made for the main doors of his office. Just as he crossed the threshold, two more officers reached him with a further report. Indeed, he'd been aware of some disturbance while still speaking with Commander Barton. "What's the matter then?"
"Level 876, Admiral. We've lost contact with multiple sectors. Scans seem to show that approximately 25% of the level is now in vacuum."
"What?! Any idea of the cause?" Barton asked, appearing from over the SA's shoulder. Gheskori glanced at him, Barton noting his look, "Apologies, Admiral."
"The beginning of loss of atmospheric pressure in those sectors of the level were almost coincident with the disappearance of one of two groups of Nausicaan prisoners being taken from Alpha Promenade to the docking ring," one of the officers explained in reply.
The other officer continued, "Contact was lost with that Nausicaan prison escort before it could arrive up at the docking ring. Three minutes later, down on level 876, the atmosphere was flushed from sectors 876-73 through 876-75. And careful sweeps for biosigns indicate the constant presence of a group of three or four people near those vacuum sections, one of whom is a Nausicaan."
"That group is responsible for the depressurisations..." Ghes recognised, "What about the other Nausicaans?" he asked.
"The other two who did make it to the docking ring?" the man said. Ghes nodded. "They were taken aboard the Raven as part of Admiral Torek's mysterious actions. But now courtesy of Admiral Lemond they're being returned to the Starbase to be placed in temporary custody."
"Commander Rashkov of SB Security who helped the Raven officers with the Nausicaans while at O'Toole's bar has also been apprehended and is being questioned," the first added.
"She was probably just following orders," Barton rebutted dismissively, "Section 31 will want those two freed before long, you know that, sir," he warned Ghes constructively.
Ghes half-turned in polite protest, even outrage, "But their Nausicaan compatriot might be causing a lot of trouble down on level 876. I don't care what Commodore Isaacman's goons aboard the Starbase want. Keep those Nausicaans in custody! I'm heading for the USS Raven. I'll leave you to it, Barton."
Beta docking arm, Starbase 47
With a small entourage, including two civilian notables from the Starbase, he boarded the Sovereign class via the aft umbilical, heading past a poor and hapless looking officer called Millbank, and before long presented himself along with the two civilian notables in the USS Raven's conference room.
While Commander Blakus held the bridge, Calli Valente took lead of the meeting in the conference room. She sat at one end, while Wedlerson, along with Lysia T'Seng and Senior Marine Burwell who'd also been let in on the business sat on her left side.
On the other edge of the table sat the Section Admiral, two notable Starbase civilians, and Nia Lemond who came from her temporary VIP suite.
It soon became apparent to all that each party was demanding different answers of the other...
"As much as I 'may' wish to enlighten you as to various facts, here and there..." Gheskori finally remarked, "I'm afraid that my hands are tied as you might say, just as much as those of any other in the Starbase's command hierarchy. See, there are a number of parties close to this investigation, figuratively and literally..."
"We know!" Wedlerson cried, unable to further restrain himself; the outburst took Ghes aback, the Denobulan glancing over at the ranking Raven officer, Calli Valente, who stared daggers at Harry.
"My deepest apologies, Admiral," Wedlerson nodded and felt very sheepish, "Only, we know about at least one of those interested parties... we know that several operatives from Section 31 are aboard the Starbase," he stunned not only Gheskori and Lemond with this knowledge, but also his fellow Raven officers by his candour.
"Before we go any further, I'd like to request the release and attendance here of Admiral Torek," Calli said, turning to Gheskori and Lemond, "My apologies, sirs, but it doesn't seem right that he is kept out of this."
<Tag Lemond, Torek>
Carl Torek
Command Staff ..
Site Executive Officer Ranks Officer
Fleet Admiral
Registered: Jun 17, 2006 22:34:35 GMT
Posts: 6,214
Post by Carl Torek on Nov 17, 2024 23:03:16 GMT
Captain's Quarters ... Deck Three USS Raven-C ::
It had taken Carl some time to calm himself down, he'd shunned his uniform and taken a shower, then dressed in civilian clothes - After pacing for what seemed an age, he walked over to his bookshelves and ran his eyes along the hardback and paperback novels. Some were over two hundred years old, a rare few older than that. Finally, he chose one of his favourites - His first edition of 'War of the Worlds' penned by H. G. Wells in eighteen ninety-eight.
Moving to his chair he sat down and opened the book. He had read it several times, but it never quashed his enjoyment of rereading it ..... He was several chapters in when the door chime sounded.
Rising, he restored the leather bookmark and then carefully placed the book on the arm before approaching the door. Outside, the same Security detail stood:
"Admiral, your presence is requested in the Conference Room," the Lieutenant informed him.
"I've been relieved of my Command Lieutenant,"
"Understood, Admiral, nevertheless ....." the man replied.
"Have you been instructed to escort me there?" Carl asked, admittedly feeling a little sorry for the predicament the two seemed to feel they were in through no fault of their own.
"..... No, Sir," the other one replied with a glance at his associate.
"Well, I 'was' reading, but I suppose a walk to stretch my legs wouldn't hurt..." Carl said, holding out his arms, seeing both men step back as if slapped, "... Apologies Gentlemen, gallows humour. After you,"
"If you wouldn't mind, Admiral," the Lieutenant said, taking yet another pace backwards to allow Torek to step into the corridor with the two behind him. Grinning Carl complied, making his way to the turbolift .....
Conference Room :: The doors slid aside as Carl entered - If he were in any way surprised at those gathered around the long curved table, he didn't show it. Calli, who had been sitting in his chair got up but Carl waved her back down and walked around the table to pick an empty seat. The room remained completely silent until the Security detail left. If anyone was expecting Carl to speak first, they were disappointed. Eventually, Gheskori broke the silence: "Commander Valente thought it prudent that you were present for this meeting Admiral," Again Torek remained silent, forcing the Section Admiral to continue, "... I would have thought you would have had something to say... Yes... No?" "Admiral, acting like a spoilt child isn't helping anyone..." Nia said impatiently, "... Not to mention being out of uniform," "I've been relieved of Command, and as such am under no obligation to either wear the uniform, or for that matter answer questions, or take any active part in any 'meeting' unless, of course, you are placing me under arrest. Compelling me to request a 'JAG' representative be present, would that be the case?" "This isn't helping," Gheskori said, glancing at Lemond, who looked like she was about to lose her composure. "Is that so ..... Well, nor have the actions of the two people I would never expect to go behind my back...!" Carl replied before calming himself, "... And as I have already stated, I am under no oblig ....." "Oh GROW UP!" Nia said before she could help herself. "If that's all... I'm in the middle of a good book?" Carl said, rising to his feet, the other Raven Officers following suit. "Sit down Admiral..." Gheskori said, "... Please," Carl glanced at Calli and then the others before reluctantly lowering himself into his seat. "So... Is there going to be any explanation forthcoming?" Torek asked, eyeing the two Civilians. "..... And why we're being treated like common criminals?" Wedlerson asked. Rather than rebuke the Operations Officer, the briefest glance between Gheskori and Lemond didn't go unnoticed. "I have a dead Officer, my ship, sorry. 'The Raven' is crawling with Section Thirty-One people, and we're being hounded like something that requires flushing out the nearest airlock... Pardon us if we're a little aggrieved at events," Carl said. "I'm sure that any pertinent information you need to know will be supplied in due course," Lemond said. Carl looked at the woman for a long moment before replying: "That's the third time in as many days that you have spoken to me as if I'm your subordinate, and to be honest, I'm getting a little annoyed with it, so I would advise you to modify your attitude towards me, AND my RANK, Admiral!" Again the room fell into an uncomfortable silence. It was obvious to all that Gheskori was trying to think how he might de-escalate what had rapidly become a fiasco, while Nia Lemond, moments earlier confident she and Gheskori were in control, had reddened, her eyes studying the black surface of the table in front of her. This time however, Carl wasn't going to simply allow their hesitation to go unanswered. He stood, holding a hand out to stop his Officers from rising, then without another word, he headed for the doors which slid aside at his approach. Carl locked eyes with the Intelligence Officer barring his exit. "Move... NOW!" Carl said, but the man remained motionless. A physical barrier ..... For a second, he contemplated knocking the man out of his way, then Lemond spoke: "Mister Stirling..." Nia Lemond said, "... Please escort Admiral Torek back to his seat," Carl remained motionless, almost subconsciously defying the man to 'physically' push him back into the room, then he realised that, despite the Intelligence Director not saying it, he had just been placed under arrest... With a resigned sigh, he turned and retraced his steps - This time Calli stood and insisted he take his seat at the head of the table, something she hadn't done when the meeting conviened. A well-meaning but empty gesture, much appreciated - He had been ridiculed in front of his Senior Officers, something he doubted he would be able to come to terms with, regardless of future events! ..........
Calli Valente
Starfleet Intelligence
"Don't get in my way."
Registered: Aug 4, 2010 21:19:10 GMT
Posts: 549
Post by Calli Valente on Nov 17, 2024 23:52:59 GMT
USS Raven-C ... Beta Docking Arm ::
..... Commander Blakus and Calli Valente had been informed by a flustered Ensign Millbank, that the Section Admiral and several others had boarded, following Andae's instruction, she had made her way to intercept them en route to the Bridge ..... "Admiral's..." Calli began, stepping in front of Gheskori and the others, "... The Conference Room is free if you would like to use it?" "After you," Nia Lemond replied. The group passed through the ship and rose to Deck One. As they entered Lysia T'Seng, Harry Wedlerson and Lew Burwell, the Raven's Marine Officer were already seated, they stood as the others entered while Calli sat in the seat usually reserved for the Commanding Officer - Despite the look from Lemond, she remained seated, effectively forcing their guests to take seats on the opposite side of the long curved table ..... It soon became apparent to all that each party was demanding different answers from the other: "As much as I 'may' wish to enlighten you as to various facts, here and there..." Gheskori finally remarked, "... I am afraid that my hands are tied as you might say, just as much as those of any other in the Starbase's Command hierarchy. See, there are several parties close to this investigation, figuratively and literally," "We know!" Wedlerson cried, unable to further restrain himself; the outburst took Ghes aback, the Denobulan glancing over at the ranking Raven officer, Calli Valente, who stared daggers at Harry. "My deepest apologies, Admiral..." Wedlerson nodded and felt very sheepish, "... Only, we know about at least one of those interested parties... We know that several operatives from Section 31 are aboard the Starbase," he stunned not only Gheskori and Lemond with this knowledge but also his fellow Raven officers by his candour. "Before we go any further, I'd like to request the release and attendance here of Admiral Torek..." Calli said, turning to Gheskori and Lemond, "... My apologies, Sirs, but it doesn't seem right that he is kept out of this." The look that passed between Gheskori and Lemond didn't go unnoticed as the Section Admiral finally ceded to the request. The room fell silent as they awaited Torek's arrival. It was evident from the moment the Raven's Commanding Officer entered the Conference Room that things were not going to go well. Carl, rightly in Calli's opinion, was justifiably aggrieved at recent events and was demanding answers, or some form of explanation from the Section Admiral or the Intelligence Director. Alas, it seemed neither were willing, or able, to supply the requested information. Several times she had noticed the two as yet unnamed civilians seated next to Gheskori and Lemond whispering to each other. "Apologies, but I'm a little confused, I must have missed the introductions of your two associates," Calli said innocently looking at Lemond. "Their names or reasons for being here are not relevant at this point," "Really?" Harry Wedlerson commented, eyes on the still silent Civilians, neither of which seemed inclined to even acknowledge his presence, let alone reply to any query. Calli was getting more concerned about how Carl was handling the meeting, it wasn't like him to allow himself to lose control, but with every passing minute it was becoming clear he wouldn't put up with much more before acting, but finally his patience reached tipping point and he stood, clearly intending on leaving, unfortunately, Lemond had presumably anticipated his departure and had been ready - The doors slid aside to reveal one of Lemonds personnel barring Carl's exit. When Carl ordered the man to step aside and he pointedly refused, she thought Carl might force his way out of the Conference Room, but before he could do anything she was shocked to her Lemond issue a direct instruction to her Officer! ... Calli had already witnessed how Carl had been spoken to. Despite Nia Lemond's position as Intelligence Director, she was still outranked by Fleet Admiral Torek, and should act accordingly, yet here she was, effectively ignoring, or disregarding the aforementioned rank openly. Now there could be no other interpretation to the instruction - Carl had not only been relieved of his Command but was now, with the instruction to show Torek to his seat, under arrest! "You can't be serious!?" Calli said, rising to allow Carl to take his seat. "You would do well not to overstep your position," Nia warned her. "You're allowing this?" Calli demanded, her attention now focused on the Section Admiral. "There are, facets that you an ....." Gheskori began, only to be interrupted: "FACETS... FACETS... What the HELL!" she snapped in disbelief, but seeing Carl looking at her, something in his eyes saying don't push. So, reluctantly, she fell silent, glaring at those across the curved table ..........
Command Staff ..
Commanding Officer Personnel Officer Trivia Officer
Section Admiral
USS Enzio
Registered: May 2, 2008 23:32:36 GMT
Posts: 1,548
Post by Gheskori on Nov 18, 2024 22:07:03 GMT
Conference room, USS Raven, Beta docking arm
"FACETS... FACETS... What the HELL!" she snapped in disbelief, but seeing Carl looking at her, something in his eyes saying don't push. So, reluctantly, she fell silent, glaring at those across the curved table
Gheskori had almost had enough. It was with difficulty that the meeting had been kept under control, and keeping Torek from leaving or from it breaking up the conference entirely had necessitated a crossing of the Rubicon by Lemond, who'd effectively placed Carl under arrest to have him remain.
Though albeit the arrested Fleet Admiral, in civvies, now sat at the head of the conference table, a unique situation probably, Gheskori thought.
With this thought as well as the irksomeness and difficulty of the whole occasion in mind, Ghes huffed and began to stand, "I think it best that we take a temporary recess. Or at least, I would like to speak to Fleet Admiral Torek," he said and stared hard at Lemond, so as to insist upon the point.
The Intel Director looked sullenly down at the table and gave a brief nod, clearly conflicted. Impatiently Ghes returned the nod and then gestured to Torek to head to the small room to the right of the head of the table (its door at a right angle to the door that debouched out of the conference room altogether).
The tension in the conference room was snapped and people at the table turned and spoke to one another, usually with the person next to them - rarely with the person opposite.
The door to the small room closed and Ghes turned to Torek, "I would like to apologise for all this!"
"This is totally unacceptable, Gheskori. This is my ship, my crew... We've been made to feel like persona non grata, or at worst treated like enemies of the Federation... Well?"
"Of course it's unacceptable. What I've been forced to say, or rather not to say," the Denobulan shook his head. "I can tell you at least that the reason we held back in there was not only that Section 31, as you seem to be aware, are involved and observing our actions, but because we don't want to tell things to too many of your people."
"I'm still waiting for some information," was all Torek would say.
"You see, some at Starfleet Command seem to believe that the crew of the Raven were... well, replaced, by Tkrnn shapeshifters. The entire crew complement. And there are some who seem to think that even the Raven itself may have been imitated and replaced by a larger shapeshifter, or by several dozen of them."
"But that's ridiculous. All you'd have to do is scan us to find out we're flesh and blood!"
"I know... But those people at Command aren't here. It seems they can allow themselves to believe anything," Ghes replied ruefully. "Section 31, meanwhile, are here, as you know."
"What do they want? The same as Starfleet Command?"
Ghes nodded, "With Section 31, I think the idea of the Raven crew replaced by changelings is only a pretext for them to try to get rid of you. Even if the accusation against you is wrong, which it assuredly is, Merrilake, Isaacman and their agents seem to want to use it to throw the book at the Raven's crew, or better yet, have you all destroyed... If something happened to you and your people, they wouldn't mind."
"And we can't call up Command and tell them to call Section 31 off," Ghes continued, "As you know, they're accountable to no one, subordinate to no one. Officially, they don't exist. The only thing I can do is try to combat them directly, get them to decide that all this isn't worth their trouble."
"So why do Merrilake and Isaacman want to destroy my crew?" Carl asked.
"My understanding is they're hardcore anti-Star Empire with a history of opposing the Romulans," Gheskori replied, "They see your recent working alongside some of the Romulans as tantamount to treason. But if you ask me there must be more to it... Anyway, if you wish to share this, please only share it with your First and Second Officers."
Torek mulled this over for a moment and eventually nodded, turning slowly towards the door that led back to the conference room.
Ghes knew it was about time to resume. "Oh yes, by the way, I'd like to apologise on Nia's behalf," he added, "I think she feels under a lot of pressure... She seems to think if she isn't seen, by the Section 31 agents aboard the Starbase, as coming down hard on you, then they will begin to suspect her."
The Denobulan didn't know if that was good enough a reason... Torek and Lemond were close colleagues, if not friends, and that bond had been put under unspeakable strain in the last few hours, perhaps damaged or broken irrevocably regardless of the external pressure being applied to Nia...
The admirals returned and resumed their previous seats. "Let's continue," Ghes said.
"Ok, Section Admiral. You have to speak now," Commander Valente said from the first seat Torek had sat in on arrival. "You came aboard. For what reason, except to reprimand our CO?"
"That was most of our business, as it happens," Ghes replied half-truthfully, "And we want to warn you... don't raise your shield grid again, at least not while in the Dock," he nodded slowly and smiled beneficently, which seemed to annoy Valente all the more. "Nia, if there's nothing further?"
He observed the Director's reaction and realised that there was another annoyed customer.
"Very well then," he rose, and so did everyone else, but once he and the civilians began to leave, he noticed the Raven officers all sit back down, while Lemond had Intelligence Officer Stirling escort a bemused Carl away.
Gheskori wondered if it might not be an idea to have Torek dearrested. But he had a feeling Torek would refuse it, not for stubbornness's sake, but because keeping Carl in a form of house arrest might possibly give Section 31 the impression that the SA and the Intel Director on one hand, and the Section XO on the other, were at loggerheads.
If we're going to war against Merrilake and his agency, he thought, making them believe we're already at war with each other might not be a bad idea...
Carl Torek
Command Staff ..
Site Executive Officer Ranks Officer
Fleet Admiral
Registered: Jun 17, 2006 22:34:35 GMT
Posts: 6,214
Post by Carl Torek on Nov 20, 2024 23:00:41 GMT
Ready Room USS Raven-C ::
Carl had followed the Section Admiral out of the Conference Room, standing beside the closing door as Gheskori rounded his desk and sat. After a moment's pause, Carl sat opposite.
"You see... Some at Starfleet Command seem to believe that the crew of the Raven were... well, replaced, by Tkrnn shapeshifters. The entire crew complement. And some seem to think that even the Raven itself may ....."
"But that's ridiculous. Carl interrupted, "... All you'd have to do is scan us to find out we're flesh and blood!"
"So why do Merrilake and Isaacman want to destroy my crew?" Carl asked.
"My understanding, is they're hardcore anti-Star Empire with a history of opposing the Romulans... They see your recent work alongside some of the Romulans as tantamount to treason. But if you ask me there must be more to it,"
"..... And you expect us to sit by and allow this?"
"I 'expect' you to respect the chain of Command ....." Gheskori replied, a little more forcibly than Carl liked.
Before returning to the Conference Room, Gheskori issued instructions as to whom Carl could confide what had been discussed - Instructions Carl had no intention of complying with - If his Officers were in trouble, they had the right to know.
The meeting concluded quickly with a warning from the Section Admiral:
"You will not raise your shield grid again, at least not while in the Dock..." he nodded slowly and smiled beneficently, which seemed to annoy Valente all the more. "... Nia, if there is nothing further?" with the Intelligence Director saying she had nothing to add, Gheskori quickly brought the meeting to a close. At no point had he introduced, or explained, the presence of the two Civilians!
The room cleared, the Raven Officers returning to assigned duties, while Gheskori and his unidentified associates escorted to the Aft Umbilicus walkway where they returned to the Starbase. Carl was led back to his quarters ,where Nia Lemond posted a Security Detail before leaving without a work spoken between them ..... Some Time Later ::The chime sounded and Carl got up to approach the door. Waiting were Calli and Andae, behind them, at attention, were the Officers detailed from Starbase Security. "Come in..." Carl said, glancing at the two Officers before allowing the door to slide closed, "... How did you manage to convince our friends out there to let you in?" "Rank has its privileges..." Blakus said with a wry grin, "... Calli's has brought me up to speed as best she could," Andae said as Carl poured drinks. "Our Section Admiral has 'instructed' not to discuss our situation," "The others should be in the know..." Calli said, glancing at the door before continuing, "... They're waiting for my call," "There's no way they're going to walk in here without those two reporting it," Carl said as he placed the glasses on the table. "Not a problem....." Calli said, tapping her commbadge. A moment later, Harry Wedlerson, Lysia T'Seng, Milyanov, and Nate Tinsley, materialised in the middle of the room. "I'll get more glasses," Torek said with a smile ..... Once everyone had a drink and somewhere to sit, Carl repeated what Gheskori had told him in private. "But that's just ridiculous!" Lysia said. "What are we going to do, we can't just sit here, so to speak, and let Section Thirty-One run rough-shod over us!" Tinsley added. "Ideally, we would go to the source," Carl said. "The 'source' being?" "Rear Admiral Merrilake... Commodore Issacman..." Calli answered, seeing Carl nod, "... They seem to be the leads in this fiasco," "From what you've said..." Andae began, "... Gheskori isn't about to allow us to go wandering off to Earth anytime soon," "Who said anything about asking?" Carl replied. "We know the Raven can't leave, even if the refit were completed," Milyanov stated. "..... And we can't just leave the ship without any Senior Staff," Tinsley added. "Well, I've been relieved of duty, so no one's going to miss me," Carl said, grinning. "You can't go alone!" Lysia said quickly. "Even if we were to go this route, how are you even going to get to Earth...?" Nate asked, "... We still haven't found suitable transport," "Alright..." Carl finally admitted, "... So going to Earth is out, at least until we can acquire a ship, or someone reliable. But we need an exit off the Starbase in case things start to go wrong," "We'll keep looking, I'm sure there's someone that wouldn't turn down a substantial gold-pressed latinum payout," Calli said. "In the meantime, we'll look deeper into what Merrilake and Issacman," "Sir, I don't think it would be wise to risk accessing their files again," Lysia warned. Carl reluctantly agreed, finishing his drink before getting up to get the bottle. He returned and refilled each of their glasses. "I'm running a search to try to identify the two Gheskori brought aboard, but no luck yet," Calli informed them. "Be careful," he warned. "I will..." Calli replied, frowning, "... I wonder why he brought them aboard in the first place, neither of them spoke, just watched us as if we were specimens awaiting dissection," "Maybe we're just that!" Harry said. "You think they were Section Thirty-One?" Lysia mused. "Hopefully Calli's search will give us something to go on, but in the meantime, be wary. No one discussing this issue in public, and I suggest you all check your quarters and workstations for anything out of place," Carl instructed. "You don't think they've got us under surveillance do you!" "Section Thirty-One are running around the Starbase unchallenged, for all I know they might have bugged your toothbrush...!" Carl said with a smile, "... Let's call it a night... Calli can update me in the morning if you find anything else," Everyone finished their drinks before Harry, Lysia, Milyanov, and Nate moved to the centre of the living room area, Nate tapped his commbadge, and a preprogrammed transport activated. Andae and Calli walked to the door, the Security Detail jumping aside as the Raven Officers stepped into the corridor. They said their goodnights and left. Carl locked the door once it closed, then returned to his chair and picked up his glass ..........
Calli Valente
Starfleet Intelligence
"Don't get in my way."
Registered: Aug 4, 2010 21:19:10 GMT
Posts: 549
Post by Calli Valente on Nov 24, 2024 14:24:50 GMT
Twenty One Hundred Hours ... Deck Three Captain's Quarters ::
Carl hadn't bothered to put any lights on when he'd returned to his quarters, there was enough seating through the large windows to suffice. He hadn't realised how tired he was until the door chime brought him out of his fitful slumber ..... Getting to his feet he unlocked the door which glided silently aside. In the corridor Calli was waiting, the ever-present Security Detail stood watching. Carl stepped aside to allow Calli to enter, then he relocked the door. "I've spoken to Elise and the girls, and briefly explained what's going on. I've suggested they take a holiday while there aren't any restrictions on their movement," "Good idea," Carl said, pouring drinks for them both. He glanced briefly at the bottle wondering if he wasn't indulging a little too much given the circumstances, then dismissed the query as quickly as it had formulated. "As you can imagine, she wasn't too pleased with my suggestion, but when I said it had come from you, she reluctantly agreed. I arranged passage on the USS Baltimore using my Intel credentials, so they will be travelling incognito... It's due to depart for Earth at zero six hundred tomorrow..." Calli explained. "Direct to Earth?" Carl asked worriedly. "No... It's going to stop over at Risa for eight hours, then a couple of other places before heading to Earth itself. I've told Elise that she and the girls should 'quietly' disembark on Risa and make themselves scarce until the ship departs, she can book accommodation easily enough until she hears from you, or myself. I've told her I'll keep her updated," "Thank you," Carl said, wishing he could have seen Elise, Bethan and Venessa before they left the Starbase, but he knew Calli was right, they needed to be away from here and hopefully out of reach. The last thing he needed was for them to be used as some bargaining tool to get his cooperation in the days to come. "Don't worry, they won't be challenged when boarding," "I know," "It's possible we could use the same trick to get you into your suite on the Starbase if you like?" "No, if the transport is picked up it will put them in more danger," he replied, dropping into one of the chairs, eyes moving to the window and the lowered lighting of the Dome. He found himself wondering how deeply Gheskori and Lemond were in all this... It was a given neither was telling him or his Officers the complete truth, but then it was equally possible that they knew only as much as those in the shadows wanted them to know. Part of him sympathised, but like himself, he knew that instructions, even in the guise of 'orders' were there to be complied with. Regardless, he wasn't going to allow his Officers to be victimised by Starfleet Command, or Section Thirty-One ..... They would fight back using whatever means necessary! "Have you had any thoughts on how we should proceed?" Calli asked dragging him from his thoughts. "No... But I don't think remaining aboard the Starbase is going to prove beneficial to our continued well-being, that's for sure," "So we find a way to leave?" "I'm pretty sure we're being surveilled, either remotely or in person. If we do leave, it will have to be done quickly before anyone realises we've gone...!" he replied, raising his glass, "... Where are all these 'Pirates' when you need one," Calli grinned then raised her glass ..........
Command Staff ..
Commanding Officer Personnel Officer Trivia Officer
Section Admiral
USS Enzio
Registered: May 2, 2008 23:32:36 GMT
Posts: 1,548
Post by Gheskori on Dec 2, 2024 0:45:48 GMT
Gheskori's office, Starbase 47
Gheskori had returned to the Starbase, and to his office with the two civilians in tow. While he sat behind his desk they stood in front of him, one from the Federation Council and the other from Section 31, an administrator type, as opposed to the four field agents Section 31 had aboard the base.
"Well, my good fellows, did you see what you wanted to see?" he enquired of them with as much jollity as he could muster.
The female Fed Councillor and the male Section 31 administrator turned to one another briefly, "Admiral Torek is not what we expected, that we can say," the former answered. "He was abrasive, unnecessarily difficult."
"Well, you and your associate parties are investigating him and his crew... Some of you want to end the Raven senior staff's careers. You expected him to just hand himself and his officers over for punishment?"
"Not quite," it was the Section S31 admin's turn to speak, "After all, he doesn't know who the two of us are now... doesn't he?"
Ghes nodded diffidently and had the man and woman leave, then called in Nia Lemond. They spoke in such a way that they mostly skirted the matter at hand, not addressing it directly, until the Denobulan glanced at her sharply, "How long do you think we can do this?"
Lemond blinked at him slowly. "Playing these roles, making ourselves villains of the piece in an effort to placate Section 31?" he added.
Lemond shook her head, "As far as I'm concerned, I'm not playing any sort of role, at least mostly not. Carl has gone too far. I'm not going to stand for it, not while I have Intel personnel aboard his ship."
"Well, I feel I am playing a role," Ghes rebutted. "I don't feel comfortable with this. If we have to continue withholding information much longer, or putting pressure on the Raven to avoid scrutiny ourselves, I'm going to take this to the C-in-C... I'm going to try to get at Merrilake from another angle."
The words hung in the air, going unanswered because they received a comm from the command centre. Controllers at the bank of Security consoles were calling for his attention. He and Lemond approached and stood amongst them, enquiring of Colonel Dupin what was happening.
With a nod to the Intel Director, Dupin answered him, "Admiral Lemond's security officers aboard the Raven have informed us that the First and Second Officers of the Raven, and then the Second Officer alone, have visited Admiral Torek's quarters in the space of the last few hours. Such visits are permitted for those two officers, but..."
Without replying vocally, Ghes encouraged the colonel to continue his report.
Dupin went on, "... Around the same time as the first visit - by the First Officer and Second Officer - we detected a transportation aboard the Raven: four matter streams heading from various locations on the ship, to Fleet Admiral Torek's quarters, and back again a half hour or so later."
"Other Raven senior staff members, no doubt," Ghes replied and shook his head slightly. What'd been spoken about in the ready room would've been shared with them. Carl, for god's sake, we're trying to protect your command, he said inwardly, Why do you keep flying in the face of authority?
* * *
Section 31 operative Samuel Cirta's masked quarters
=/\=That's all I have for you, Cirta,=/\= fellow operative Clarissa Martyn told him, =/\=They know a bit more now. Still not as much as some of the top brass on the Starbase, but enough, I would say... They know about Isaacman, they know about Merrilake. They're probably again going to try to find a way off the Starbase, some of them at least.=/\=
He thanked Martyn and the comm ended; he turned, taking in the Bolian operative and past him to the trembling visitor, "You understand what we need from you, Ryan?" Cirta asked.
Ryan Kennedy, friend and associate of the currently absent Sean O'Toole, flinched and gave a strangled shriek, "Aye..."
Kennedy had previously spoken to Raven officer Lysia T'Seng about a possible way off the Starbase, via a freighter he might be able to secure passage on for six or more persons.
"The freighter," Kennedy managed more words, violently shaking with fear, "It's yours. It can be your freighter. The skipper's pliable."
"When you meet T'Seng about the deal, name her a price she and her colleagues won't be able to refuse. And whatever any competitors of ours, for passenger service for the Raven officers, might be offering, offer T'Seng about two thirds of that amount. And then, once they're aboard..." his eyes roamed inquisitively to the Bolian beside Kennedy.
The Bolian nodded and smiled satisfiedly, "... Execute."
<Tag T'Seng, somewhere on the Starbase, for possible negotiation with Kennedy>
Calli Valente
Starfleet Intelligence
"Don't get in my way."
Registered: Aug 4, 2010 21:19:10 GMT
Posts: 549
Post by Calli Valente on Dec 2, 2024 17:58:18 GMT
O'Tooles Bar & Grill .. Alpha Promenade ::
Following her talk with Carl, Calli contacted Lisya aboard the Raven and asked to meet at O'Toole's for a drink ..... Calli was sitting with her back to the bar, enjoying one of the bar's in-house bands playing when Lysia entered, the two waved and Lysia came over and took the stool next to hers. "I see you brought your shadows," Calli whispered as she hugged the Raven's Tactical Security Chief. Lysia nodded and then took the stool next to Calli before ordering. The group, fronted by a teenager, SinΓ©an McKewon, had just returned from a tour of Ireland and were singing their latest songs. "These are good," Lysia said, accepting her glass from NevΓ©. "Let's get a table," Calli said slipping off the stool after making it look as if she had just spotted an empty table on one side of the small stage. Now, with their backs to the two followers, they waited to see what the two would do next. It was clear they would want to eavesdrop on the conversation to be able to report back, but their seating arrangement had put any hopes aside unless they somehow concocted to persuade the couple seated at the adjoining table to relinquish it. Calli began to update Lysia on her conversation with Carl, and the arrangements she had made to have his family 'spirited' away. Neve, one of the staff, came over and put two glasses in front of them. "No that's service," Lysia said, grinning. "None of my doing, unfortunately..." the waitress said, nodding towards the man at the bar, "... He wanted to buy you both a drink, I didn't think you'd be turnin' down a freebie," she said with a wink. "Tell him thanks..." Calli said, smiling at the man before turning back to the stage, "... I have a feeling we're about to have company....." she whispered, sure enough, thirty seconds later the man came over. "Ladies..." he said, looking from Calli to Lysia, "... Thank you for allowing me to buy you a drink," "I'm never too proud to accept a refill," Calli said, returning the smile. "May I?" the man asked. motioning towards the empty chair. "Well, we're in the middle of a private conversation, girl stuff, I'm sure you understand," Lysia said, making it clear his company wasn't wanted, despite the free drink. The man paused seemingly deep in thought, then continued: "Perhaps your conversation involves transportation?" he asked, eyes flicking around the room before again falling on the two women. "Actually, we were talking about the band," "So, not how you might be able to procure a means to get off the Starbase ..... Unofficially?" he asked, eyebrows raised. Calli leaned forward and pulled the empty chair out from under the table, smiling, the man took the offered seat. "Might I ask how you came to know we 'might' be looking for transport?" Lysia asked. "I believe it's called the grapevine?" "Hmmm..." Calli said, feigning distrust, "... And I suppose that rather than asking an extortionate sum for this 'transport' of yours, you are going to give us a good deal?" "I am a businessman, so yes, I will want to make a profit from this transaction," "I'm thinking that, rather than be here to offer us something we may or may not be looking for, you're going to suddenly inform us that you are Starfleet Security and are taking us into custody," "What would I want to do that for?" "Well... If you would like to leave something so we can get in touch? ..... I'm sure you understand that it would be remiss of us to settle on the first offer?" Calli said. The man was clearly expecting this development, and took an isolinear chip from the pocket of his jacket and handed it to Calli: "You can use this, it holds all the information you might need on the craft I have access to, and how you can contact me," "Really...?" Calli said, turning the chip over in her hand before continuing, "... I assume you are well aware that, as a civilian, you are restricted from possessing this technology?" "I do," the man replied casually. "Just out of curiosity here, but what can you tell us about the ship you say you have access to, and how much would buy your services?" Lysia asked. "Let's say I am sure it is 'adequate' for your needs and available at what I believe is a fair price," "You don't have a clue as to our 'needs' as you put it," Calli said. "I believe that you, and some of your friends, might need to be elsewhere without the authorities being aware of your travel plans," the man replied, again glancing over their heads before returning his attention to them. "Maybe your friend has more information?" Lysia asked. "My 'friend' is merely ensuring we are not interrupted during our conversation," "Conversation... Not negotiation?" "We cannot negotiate until you have a price, so let's say use of the ship, complete with pilot, for ..... Five thousand bars of gold-pressed latinum," "We could 'BUY' a ship of our own for that price?" Lysia said, laughing. "I doubt anything purchased for such an amount would be airtight, let alone spaceworthy, but it is a starting price. One I am sure, we can discuss once you have made further enquiries re your 'transport' requirements," the man said with a reassured smile. "I'll tell you what... Leave this and maybe we'll get back to you ....." Calli said dismissing the man. Rather than argue, he curtly nodded and then left them to their drinks, a moment later he and his associate left the bar. NevΓ© was passing their table and as she took the empty glasses she looked at the door with a frown, sure she had seen the man speaking to her friends somewhere before .........